Salmon caper

Colotis fausta fausta

A small butterfly with a wingspan of 30-40 mm, easily recognisable by its light salmon buff colour and black markings, while some females are white. Also called the “large salmon Arab,” this species lives in drier places of the country, along the coastline, and in farmland, plains, steppes, stony slopes, and semi-desert. The host plant is the caper (Capparis spinosa). This migratory butterfly flies from April through October, the flight is fast, active, and high off the ground.




Attribution: Firos AK (Wikipedia Creative Commons)


Attribution: Firos AK (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Haneesh K.M. (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

 Attribution: Husein Zorkot

Attribution: Durzan Cirano (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

 Attribution: Husein Zorkot

 Attribution: Husein Zorkot


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