Butterfly Books


A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Lebanon and the Middle East is the first reference work to describe the butterfly fauna of the Levant, Peninsular Arabia, and North Africa in one volume. Butterflies from a wide spectrum of ecoregions and habitats are included, and the ecological considerations of species from Lebanon and many Mideastern countries are described in detail. This book is designed for both the entomologist and the layperson. Compact with scientific facts and colour drawings, this guide is definitely an indispensable resource to the many lepidopterists who drudge and trudge daily, in near abyssal conditions and in often remote parts of the world to gain a smidgeon of insight or a rare detail into a butterfly’s precious life. Buy this book today and be a helpful partner in nature conservation. You can bring this guide along with you on your next outdoor adventure. c.630 pgs. Funded by IUCN and MAVA. 2016.

    • Around 630 pages of scientific facts and 140 colour plates, with more than 1,200 drawings, a field checklist, glossary, bibliography, and useful butterfly websites
    • Nearly 560 species of butterflies found across 21 countries and 28 ecoregions are described and illustrated, including all 165 Lebanese butterflies, around 100 Afrotropical species, 160 endemics, and 40 threatened species
    • Species descriptions detailing geographic distribution, variation, morphological characteristics and colouration patterns, flight periods and voltinism, ecology and behaviour, accompanied by colour maps
    • Hundreds of common, scientific, and Arabic names
    • Important details on conservation status and host plants of each butterfly species
    • A 100 page introduction on the ecology and conservation of butterflies in the Mideast, with maps
    • First book to describe the butterfly fauna and significance of ecologic hima sanctuaries in Lebanon and their potential in butterfly gardening and conservation… Click here

ISBN 978995303644-1


You a lepidopterist? A butterfly watcher? Or someone who loves butterflies, nature, and fun? Well, we have the books you need.



Butterfly Gardening in Lebanon is the first comprehensive book of its kind on Lebanon’s butterflies and butterfly gardening in Lebanon, covering a total of 194 butterfly species, including the 165 established species, 45 endemics and near-endemics, and 20 threatened species. Butterfly gardening helps restore degraded habitats by utilising the kinds of native plants that will attract and maintain the presence of local butterflies year after year. Turning a regular garden into a butterfly garden will go a long way in conserving butterflies. Buy this book today and help butterflies survive out in the wild. c.750 pgs. Funded by MAVA. 2018.

    • An encyclopedia with 750 pages of detailed facts and colourful images
    • A technical and practical guidebook, with updated scientific data
    • A conservation workbook of favourable gardening practices with a comprehensive introduction into butterfly gardening, delineating the architectural principles of garden design and development, and answering questions pertaining to site requirements and the kinds of plants to choose from
    • A page by page plant catalogue and herbarium of all Lebanese butterfly plants, their growing requirements and planting instructions, covering around 500 species of larval host plants (LHPs) and nectar-source plants (NSPs)
    • An atlas and first guide to 194 butterfly species, including the 165 established species, 45 endemics and near-endemics, and 20 threatened species
    • Maps of distribution, detailed species descriptions with colour symbols on habitat, life history and behaviour, flight period and voltinism, abundance, economics, and conservation status, plus a monthly calendar, gardening glossary, and field checklist
    • Thousands of drawings of butterfly imagines, caterpillars, and chrysalides, from a number of sources designed to assist in effective field identification
    • First time colour photography of Lebanon’s butterflies in their habitats… Click here

ISBN 978995304436-1



A Pictorial Guide to the Butterflies of Lebanon is the first handy and practical field guide of its kind on Lebanon’s butterflies, covering 150 of the commoner butterfly species. Make butterfly watching fun and engaging with this book. c.190 pgs. Funded by The Sigrid Rausing Trust. 2020.

  • 150 of the commonest butterflies
  • Short, concise descriptions
  • Photographs and colour drawings
  • Host plants
  • Common, scientific, and Arabic names
  • Background material on Lebanese butterflies, the threats they are facing, and butterfly conservation

ISBN 978995305248-9

Get your butterfly books today! These books are available from the SPNL website and HHI Park gift shops everywhere. Buy them and get a discount. Click here, also here.




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