DANAUS Butterfly Blog

Attribution: Husein Zorkot


Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Watching, Butterfly Conserving


A log of butterfly gardening news, events, projects, and the colourful wildlife companions we share the garden with. Click on each post:


Butterfly Gardening Calendar 2018-2019


Spring 2019 Butterfly Migration Phenomenon


Butterfly Guides


Some Butterfly Products


Butterfly Garden Opening Day 


Butterfly Garden Springtime Gallery 2019 


Butterfly Garden & Pavilion Map


On the Wings of Butterflies


Butterfly Garden Welcome Mural


Butterfly Garden Hima Hut 


Roses Blooming


Lavender Season 


Swallowtail Magic 


Green Landscaping


“A Butterfly Beauty”: A Children’s Storybook of Metamorphosis


Visit the Summer Wildflower Nursery and Start Your Own Butterfly Garden 


Homat al Hima International Park Opening Day 


Vines, Blooms, and Fountains: Our Botanical Garden 


Elecampane Season 


Long-Term Sustainable Wildlife Gardening and Butterfly Monitoring and Conservation (Annual Report 2019)


Cedars, Pines, Cypresses, and Junipers: Our Butterfly Garden Pinetum 


Making Your Own Butterfly Garden: A Startup Guide 


Butterflies and Wildflowers of Lebanon Colouring Book: Fun, Scientific, and Educational 


Pocket Guide on Lebanese Medicinal and Edible Plants 


Autumn Butterflies, Autumn Trails 


A Checklist of Our Garden Butterflies 2019 


The Garden Shed and Wildflower Nursery 


Plains Cupid (Luthrodes pandava): A New Record of An Invasive Species 


Garden Administration 


Garden Landscaping Projects 


Autumn Blooms: The Administration Garden 


Rain Butterflies, Rain Birds, and Rain Salamanders 


Winter Garden Trees 


Garden Snow 


Gift Shop 


Cypress Fence 


Pines, Cedars, Oaks, and Blooms: Our Tree, Shrub, and Wildflower Nursery 


First Signs of Spring


The Poor Man’s Weatherglass: Springtime Wildflowers 2020 


Pavilion and Botanical Garden 2020 


Herb and Greens Potager 


Honeybee Trail and Signage 


Butterfly Garden Wildlife Community and Ecosystem 


Garden and Trail Renovation Spring 2020 


Wildlife Pond and Herpetarium 


Habitat Megaliths: Ecology and Ancient History 


A Pictorial Guide to the Butterflies of Lebanon 


Seed Harvest 2021


A First Time Butterfly Record


Butterflies, Bees, Social Distancing, and the Wildflower Seed Harvest (Annual Report 2020)


Autumn’s Butterfly Spring: Plain Tiger 2020


A Guide to the Amphibians of Lebanon and the Middle East


Springtime Blooms and Bees


February Snowstorms


Sustainability with Native Plants, Trees, and Herbs


Native Woodland Trees Objectives 2021-2023


Butterfly Garden Autumn 2021


Bees and Mints


Lavenders and Carpenter Bees


Butterfly Calendars: 12 Months of Lebanon’s Native Butterflies 


Lebanon’s Wildlife in Pictorial Guides: Sustainable, Affordable, Educational, and Environmental


Moths of Lebanon… The Pictorial Guide


Butterfly Garden Projects


Rare Visitors May 8




Garden Herps


Garden Birds


Garden Bugs


Butterflies of the Week SERIES:


Butterflies of the Week 23/6/2021


Butterflies of the Week 9/7/2021


Butterflies of the Week 18/7/2021


Butterflies of the Week 23/7/2021


Butterflies of the Week 3/9/2021


Butterflies of the Week 23/9/2021


Butterflies of the Week 3/10/2021


Butterflies of the Week 8/10/2021


Butterflies of the Week 17/8/2022


Butterflies of the Week 20/8/2022


Butterflies of the Week 17/5/2024


Butterflies of the Week 24/7/2024


Lebanon’s ButterflyLife SERIES: 


Butterflies of the Bekaa Valley and Eastern Slopes


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Mountains


Butterflies of the Beirut River Valley


Butterflies of the Damour River Valley


Butterflies of the Litani River Valley


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Littoral


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Xeriscape


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Woodlands


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Marshes


Butterflies of Lake Qaraoun


Butterflies of the Hasbani River Valley


Butterflies of the Orontes and Northern Bekaa Valley


Butterflies of the Antilebanon


Butterflies of Lebanon’s Upper Mountains

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