Broad-bodied chaser

Libellula depressa

A medium-sized dragonfly with a body length of 39-48 mm and a hindwing length of 32-38 mm, characterised by a broad and flattened abdomen (sky blue in males and yellowish-brown in females), and large dark patches at the bases of each wing. Also called the “broad-bodied darter,” this species lives in small, shallow sunny standing or slow-flowing water. This dragonfly flies April through September, the flight is very fast as it darts and dives over the water.



Attribution: Tim Bekaert (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Charles J Sharp (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Bernard DUPONT (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Noushka31 (Wikipedia Creative Commons)


Attribution: Charles J Sharp (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Noushka31 (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Bernard DUPONT (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Andreas Eichler (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Bernard DUPONT (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Quartl (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: James Lindsey (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

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