Geranium argus

Eumedonia eumedon mylitta

An argus with a wingspan of 25-30 mm, both males and females are brown with rows of orange spots and conspicuous green undersides. The geranium lives high up in the mountains, in alpine meadows, montane pastures, river valleys, forests, woodland edges, grassland, and on stony slopes. Host plants are members of the geranium family, hence the name, and include the trichomanes-leaved stork’s-bill (Erodium trichomanifolium), ashy geranium (Geranium cinereum), and tuberous geranium (G. tuberosum). It flies May through August.



Attribution: Siga (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Siga (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Janet Graham (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Carsten Siegel (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: gbohne (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Siga (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

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