Oriental meadow brown

Hyponephele lupina

A medium-sized to large meadow brown with a wingspan of 40-50 mm, resembles the dusky meadow but larger, the dark golden-brown and orange-red colouration are distinct, the females being paler with more conspicuous eyespots. There are several subspecies in Lebanon. Also called the “branded meadow brown,” the Oriental meadow lives in warm thickets, light woodland, cedar forests, and on dry grassy slopes and stony mountainsides. Host plants include annual meadow-grass (Poa annua), small-flowered feather-grass (Stipa parviflora), and fescues (Festuca spp.). It flies late June through August, the flight is fast and kept close to the shadows of trees and bushes, and the wings are typically held closed when at rest.


Attribution: Charlie Jackson (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Zeynel Cebeci (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Zeynel Cebeci (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Mehmetcelik80 (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

Attribution: Zeynel Cebeci (Wikipedia Creative Commons)

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